Seniors! Far as the eye can see...
Brooklyn's seniors took a break from screaming at Anthony Weiner to get on the bus to Sunken Meadows State Park for another picnic sponsored by the Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Citizens Council. The nonprofit holds two picnics a year (in late July and August) for the seniors they serve, and the picnics are legendary in staewide political circiles. I blogged about the first one last month, and this time I'll focus less on the experience of it and more on the political calculus at play.
Brooklyn's seniors took a break from screaming at Anthony Weiner to get on the bus to Sunken Meadows State Park for another picnic sponsored by the Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Citizens Council. The nonprofit holds two picnics a year (in late July and August) for the seniors they serve, and the picnics are legendary in staewide political circiles. I blogged about the first one last month, and this time I'll focus less on the experience of it and more on the political calculus at play.
Logistics for these picnics is similar and highly efficient. Volunteers work in shifts taking tickets from seniors and manning the grills (many of them local unions) as long lines of seniors wait patiently for their meals. On the menu for lunch Thursday were steaks the size of your foot. This meant a lot of smoke. If I could barely breathe after two minutes, imagine the seniors who waited in line for half an hour.
As nice a day it is for seniors to get some fresh summer air and two hot meals, the reason why reporters visit the picnic is to hear the latest political gossip and see candidates on the campaign trail, lurking after that elusive senior vote. I also went to talk with seniors about their reaction to
the health care policies being discussed in Washington, but they were too busy salsaing to get a into a good conversation.
"Excuse me, what do you think about single payer plan or the government-run public option?"
"Hey! Hey! Hey!"
The surprise of the day, but maybe not really, was the appearance of 1st term New York Senator Kirstin Gillibrand (looks like Rabbi David
Speculation has been running rampant among several City Council campaigns that Assemblymember Vito Lopez horsetraded Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney with Senator Chuck Schumer, in exchange for the Senator's early endorsement of Lopez-backed Steve Levin. Gillibrand had had a problem lining up support in Brooklyn earlier this year, and North Brooklyn insiders I spoke with believed that Lopez was leaning towards Maloney over Gillibrand in the Senate primary. Maloney even endorsed Steve Levin two months ago, but she has since backed out of the primary, facing pressure from Schumer and other state leaders. Vito certainly didn't pressure Maloney to get out of the race, but may have sensed that political winds were swirling against her and used the opportunity to convince Schumer to back his candidate for City Council, before, say endorsing a former staff member who is running for City Comptroller. Anyway, I heard the steak was excellent.
Democratic District Leader (and Thompson's Brooklyn coordinator) Walter Mosley was standing in the background, taking it all in. He didn't get to eat anything. Just another day on the clock.
"I'm working straight through primary day," said Mosley.
Aren't we all, Walter, aren't we all.
1 comment:
Just one hot mess.
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