This week's edition of The Short List is dedicated to Councilman David Yassky's former Chief of Staff, (yes, former) Jill Nelson, who has been an invaluable part of Team Yassky (9-6 through the regular season) for the past several years. Nelson is moving to California to pursue other opportunities. We'll miss her. As long as she can still boss around Rami "Heavy" Metal via conference call.
The Greenpoint Gazette breaks some news across yo face this afternoon with the tip that IS 318 is SHUTTING DOWN because of a flu outbreak. This is one of those stories where the staff is itching to go to happy hour (Lokal 5 PM every Friday) and then a parent calls the editor mentioning something about having to occupy their kid for the next week after 300 kids called in sick. This is happening in Queens too. If there was a flu outbreak out every time I had a final exam in high school, I would be a case study for the Center for Disease Control. Seriously, we need to contain this.
And then there's next week, when New Kings Democrats will bring you Williamsburg's first city council debate in four years, held at the Harry Van Arsdale High School Auditorium, (257 North 6th Street). We will have a full debate preview on Tuesday, but if you're thirsty, Ben Muessig has a feature on Steve Levin missing earlier debates, in the Brooklyn Paper. Want to know what I think about this article? Ask me at the debate afterparty, location TBA. Hey New Kings, this beer's for you!
Finally, I have to recognize Dealice Fuller, Community Board One All-Star and East Williamsburg community gardner. She asked me how I was doing this week, and I shrug my shoulders, just like I usually do, and said, I'm taking things month by month. "Honey," she said," You're biting off more than you can chew. You need to take things day-by-day." Amen Dealice. Amen.
1 comment:
So, whaddya think? If 300 middle schoolers conspire to call in sick, they can really get their school closed? Good work, kids, Now stifle those hacking coughs, the matinee is about to begin.
1 comment:
So, whaddya think? If 300 middle schoolers conspire to call in sick, they can really get their school closed? Good work, kids, Now stifle those hacking coughs, the matinee is about to begin.
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