This weekend, I was informed by two colleagues who received a curious email earlier this week from former council candidate Evan Thies. It was not a surprise "I'm rejoining the Community Board!" announcement or one of those "Thank you for supporting me" emails. He had sent that out months earlier.
Instead, it was spam. Viagra spam.
"It was a virus on the yahoo mail server and randomly started sending them out to millions of people. Mine sent out a few dozen randomly. I didn't know until somebody emailed me to tell me about it," said Thies, who called Yahoo! and fixed the problem quickly.
Evan had absolutely nothing to do with this, but it raises a larger question. How come I didn't get one of these emails? Geez Evan. A Short Story isn't important enough for your Viagra Spam? I guess not.
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That was an interesting piece of information on handwriting analysis. Please post more about graphology. Thank you!
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