Users of the popular drug known as whip-its say the experience is better than getting in the ring with Ellen Page and Drew Barrymore.
Every year, usually, there's one new weird new drug trend in North Brooklyn.
Remember that "hot kielbasa" bust, where Polish deli workers were caught stuffing cocaine into sausage casings? That was 2008.
Or the "hot tub drug machine" at the former site of the Laila Lounge on N. Seventh Street, where police found 18 kilos of cocaine hidden under a sauna? 2009.
And "Operation Lude Behavior"— the quaalude factory on Kent Street in Greepoint? April of last year.
One would think that the city's first bath salts drug bust which occurred this June would have been our high mark for the year.
But that is not the case— thanks to the spread of nitrous-fueled bros getting high on laughing gas after a Widespread Panic concert this weekend.
This problem is no laughing matter.
And now it looks like local leader are springing into action, according to the internets listservs, but until the police crack down on users and figure out who the sellers are, we could see this drug habit crop up again.
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