The neighborhood's fiestiest community activists will be heading down to 110 Kent Avenue at 7 PM tonight for the first-ever NAG Action. Action jeans will not be provided.
So what is a NAG Action? Let's let Neighbors Allied for Good Growth's Emily Gallagher answer it for you:
NAG ACTION is a once-a-month collaborative meeting between concerned citizens
NAG ACTION brings the issues of our Organizing Agenda: Open Space, Transportation, Affordable Housing, and Community Character, under one umbrella. The goal is to address them in a proactive way and to support the larger goals of progressive, intelligent community growth. NAG ACTION will meet the first Tuesday of every month to have a "teach-in" on a selected topic that is concerning our community with immediacy. We will be looking to local experts on each topic to help us teach, so by asking you to attend we are also asking you to participate
The best part of NAG ACTION is that we welcome you to join us at any level of community knowledge. Whether you've been in the 'hood your entire life, or just arrived last week, there are things that we can all learn and share and do together. To fully tap into our potential power, we must learn and share in a safe community-oriented environment first.
In this scenario, Community Preservation Corporation Resources is the guy driving the car and Ward Dennis is Chuck Norris.
Unfortunately, NAG will be competing with Lincoln Restler (Member of the Jack Hammer
Restler, 26, will oppose Steve Cohn in an epic District Leader smackdown for the 50th Assembly District. Here's an excerpt of his release from Restler's campaign committee, aka the Karaoke Mafia:
BROOKLYN, NY- Brooklyn native Lincoln Restler will kick off his candidacy for State Committeeman/District Leader in the 50th Assembly District, which covers Fort Greene, Clinton Hill, Williamsburg, and Greenpoint.
Joined by dozens of friends, supporters, special guests, and local activists the New Kings backed Democrat will lay out his reform platform. Refreshments served.
Wait, that's it? Where's the stump speech? The moving biopic? The celebrity campaign appearance from Ben Stiller? Oh wait, I have one:
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