Monday, December 7, 2009

Satmar Night Live!

If this is a service, imagine what the party looked like!

Dear Satmars (both of you), Pupas, etc.,

With much regret, I apologize for not attending your annual holiday dinner parties/yud-tes-kislev/fabregin (am I pronouncing that right?) this evening. My leg kind of gave out after 6 PM and I needed to go home, but definitely think of me for the next event. I am there. May your candles burn for eight days and may we all celebrate the miracles of Hanukkah,

-A Short Story


Anonymous said...

I was bewildered last night coming back to the 'point with traffic jam of satmars doing some unknown thing. I actually stopped one on the street to inquire about the holiday. He responded that there was just a gathering. Anyway, thanks for explaining it. Shalom!

Anonymous said...

Isn't a "gathering" what someone calls it when you find out about it, and realize you weren't invited?