Photo by David L. Ryan of the Boston Globe Staff
This is your brain. This is your brain on Halloween. Any questions?
I know, your head still feels like this and it's Monday. Cheer up. There's a lot to keep track of the coming week. So wipe off that zombie makeup and take a look at the hottest political stories as the election looms tomorrow.
If it's November, then it's City Hall News' time to shine. They're all over the place with stories about the risks and rewards for a Bloomberg third term, the upcoming fight for new committee chairs in City Council, the Working Families Party basically ignoring Billy Thompson, and an inside look at the two men behind both mayoral campaigns. Nice job guys.
A little closer to home, Jackie Robinson's widow and Marty
Finally, for the wonk who has it all, check out Gotham Gazette's Election Day Preview, hot off the interweb presses. And Alex Pareene at Gawker had an editorial that tries to put it all together.
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